Call for Essays
Dear College would like to share as many of these remarkable stories as possible with the general public. Our call for essays goes out to students, as well as parents and school administrators who have permission to submit from the student authors themselves. If you or someone you know has an extraordinary piece of writing, please get in touch!
If you have permission to submit an essay on a student’s behalf, we also ask that you include your contact information, as we may inquire whether you would like to be included on the podcast.
You can submit using the form below, or send your college admissions/scholarship essay via email to: We look forward to hearing from you!
Send us your essay
Additional information
We also welcome typed essays mailed to the following address:
Dear College Podcast
c/o 65 Cornwall Street, #108
Jamaica Plain, Boston, MA 02130
As of this writing, we are only publishing essays in the English language.